Enabling the Facebook "Share" button

You can set up a profile to include a Facebook "Share" button in search results and in an item's detail display. This feature allows library users to put a link on their Facebook profile that is visible to their friends.

Library administrators should be aware that when the Facebook "Share" button is enabled, performance in Portfolio can suffer, especially if multiple search result tabs are open or if the network connection is weak. This slowed behavior is especially apparent on screen readers.

If library users are not logged in to Facebook when they click the "Share" button, they will be prompted to log in.

When a library user "Shares" an item, Portfolio facilitates logging in to the user's account. But because Facebook doesn't actually open in the browser, and library users may forget—or not know—to log out, a subsequent user on the computer could easily gain access to the previous user's Facebook account. To prevent this, create a separate profile for in-library use in which the Facebook functionality is disabled.

To enable the Facebook "Share" button

  1. From the Admin console, choose Profiles.
  2. For the profile you want to work with, choose Edit.
  3. Under "Search Options," select the Enable Facebook 'Share' Button field (see Fields: Add/Edit/Copy Profile).
  4. Optionally, in the Facebook App ID field, enter your site's Facebook app ID. The app ID is useful for tracking share metrics, but is unnecessary for providing Facebook sharing links within Portfolio. For more information about generating a Facebook app ID, see Facebook's documentation on app development.
  5. Save your changes.

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